Congrats to Zheng for the new paper published in Cancer Research “Molecular imaging of deoxycytidine kinase activity using deoxycytidine-enhanced CEST MRI”–two papers in a row! by gliu10 | Apr 22, 2019 | News
Congrats to Zheng for the new paper “An extradomain-B fibronectin-targeted dextran-based CEST MRI probe for detecting pancreatic cancer” in Bioconjugate Chemistry by gliu10 | Apr 22, 2019 | News
Congrats to Jing Liu for passing her defense in Nov and now formally on the rank of PhD by gliu10 | Feb 3, 2019 | News
Congrats to Zheng and Guanshu for the publication of a review article titled “Sugar‐based biopolymers as novel imaging agents for molecular magnetic resonance imaging” in WIRE nanomedicine and nanotechnology by gliu10 | Feb 3, 2019 | News
Congrats to Jing for the new publication “CEST MRI of sepsis‐induced acute kidney injury” published in NMR in biomedicine by gliu10 | Jun 13, 2018 | News
Congrats to Jing and Yuguo for the new publication “MRI detection of bacterial brain abscesses and monitoring of antibiotic treatment using bacCEST” published in MRM by gliu10 | Mar 19, 2018 | News